Based on the original Hans Andersen fairytale, ‘The Red Shoes’ tells the story of a young orphan called Karen (Melissa Clarke) who is taken in by a kind elderly widow (Brenda Graham). As Karen’s confirmation approaches, the widow takes her to the Shoemaker (Alex Morrison) to buy shoes for the service but Karen finds herself drawn to steal a pair of beautiful red dancing shoes, only to tragic consequence.
Director: Lyndsey Walker Producer: Lyndsey Walker, Jonathan Wright Original Music: Chris A. Mooney Editor: Jonathan Wright DoP: Ed Cooper, Jonathan Wright
The film was shot in Spring 2007 in and around the Carlisle area and featured a cast including members from the Carlisle Green Room Club, StagedRight theatre group and Wendy Allan School of Dancing. Locations included Talkin Tarn, Crosby Lodge Country House Hotel, Arthuret Church in Longtown and Crosby House. The original score of the film was composed by Chris A Mooney, who at the time of production was studying Composition for Film and TV at the Birmingham Conservatoire. Chris also worked on a new score for the 15 minute cut of the film. In November 2007, Wright Walker Productions held a cast and crew screening of 'The Red Shoes' and as the evening fell on 'Children in Need' night, a collection was taken and over £100 was raised for the charity.